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Test bench for magnetic powder inspection of wheelpairs SMDkp-05


  • The test bench is intended for work in the railtrack production string of locomotive wheelpairs and carriages repair at depot and overhaul plants;
  • The test bench is used for wheelpairs parts inspection, magnetic powder inspection of axlebox journals, axel, toothed gears; ultrasonic inspection of axel, bands and other parts and eddy-current crack detection where necessary.

Level of mechanization:

  • Mechanized: magnetic powder suspension rotation (any type of suspension) according to the scheme mixing pump – spray gun with an adjustable spray jet – target item surface – suspension collection tray – mixing pump tank; due to desintegration of lumps of suspension parts stuck together because of magnetization in the mixing pump suspension longevity is increased by tens of times compared to its gauging in “the kettle”;
  • Mechanized: wheelpair rotation – interrupted rotation for magnetic powder, eddy-current, and ultrasonic inspection and continuous rotation for ultrasonic inspection of bands;
  • Mechanized: adjustable speed movement of the middle carriage with the saddle-shaped solenoid for the axle control;
  • Mechanized: wheelpair rolling-off from the test bench after the inspection is finished.

Test bench structure:

  • Wheelpair layout module: the wheelpair is rolled onto the rollers; the first pair of rollers on one axle is connected to the electric drive; the second pair of rollers is connected to the rocker of pneumatic actuator, that ejects the wheelpair out of the module after the inspection is finished, with the help of levers; NDT inspector is working on the floor or module deck;
  • Gantry with devices: three carriages move along the gantry beam; two carriages have annular solenoids; the middle carriage has a C-shaped solenoid and can be moved manually or by electric drive with adjustable speed; if the solenoid runs into an obstacle electric drive shuts down;
  • Three magnetic powder suspension spraying systems for control areas, suspension level (NORM/OVERFLOW) is indicated by indicator lamps;
  • Electric equipment cabinet with control buttons on gantry columns;
  • Two swinging columns with trays for SOPs (they are attached to gantry columns) for defectoscopes operability control before the beginning of the shift;
  • Three solenoid weight balancing systems; annular solenoids weight balancing is performed from the counterweight through the cord mechanism inside the carriage; C-shaped solenoid weight balancing is performed from the counterweight inside the column through the cord mechanism;
  • Lighting systems: three lamps on the gantry, two LED lamps on the saddle-shaped solenoid and portable lamps;
  • Two stacks for defectoscopes.

Test bench control:

  • Wheelpairs turning is performed with the help of pendants in the columns and buttons area on the middle carriage;
  • Wheelpair rotation during ultrasonic band inspection is performed with the help of portable foot pedal;
  • Make-and-break of the middle carriage powered movement is performed on the carriage;
  • Wheelpair ejection out of the module is performed with the help of pneumatic control valve which is located on the gantry column;
  • Electric equipment cabinet: general control buttons, suspension spray systems control and lighting systems control.

Test bench designs:

  • Test bench designs differ (for the particular test bench recipient) according to technological rail track height above floor level; test benches also differ in gantry column height, SOPs column height, mixing pump design (depending on magnetic powder suspension base: water, solar-oil, or kerosene-oil), wheelpair movement through the test bench layout (pass-through/dead-end), and foundation layout.

The test bench is operating at the railroad network of Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" to the number of 49 items.